Monday, July 23, 2012


Noooo! I just lost an entire post! Ugh, okay.

Well, what I WAS saying before I was so rudely intterupted by the internet crashing...

I am very fortunate to work with (and by work with I dont just mean my school, but the entire county I teach in - and yes, for northerners like myself, the schools in the south are run by county, not by district)  One of those teachers has her own blog, and does some amazing things! I have been lucky enough to go to her Make&Take workshops!

Go visit her blog, From Kindergarten with Love! She has one post, "Shake Rattle and Read" where you use a very awesome ball bowl and foam cubes (the same foam cubes that Miss Kindergarten posted about here.) However, I only have the one ball bowl that I got at the Make&Take and it is MINE! :) In the game you make CVC words, real and nonsense. However, my brain began to work just now and you can probably add in blends on a cube, put in more letters and do a "boggle" game (for bigger kids?) and I bet even putting in numbers and operation symbols... woah, summer brain is working!

I couldnt find others, so I did the next best thing, I went to Target. My husband says that I have a problem with Target. (Have you seen the cartoon where the lady goes in for one thing, and then the store says "Look into my eye..." and then she walks out with a cart full? Thats me.) In the dollar spot (oh back to school dollar spot, how I love thee, even if then you're really the $2.50 spot) I found these "snack containers" they're square and come with cute colored lids. I bought six, enough for a center. The cubes fit in well and you can shake it and not even have to remove the lid!

Here are some pictures of the containers...

Now, go, visit Kelly's blog and make this AWESOME game!

On another note, some of you know that in my former life I was a fifth grade teacher, and just as I was getting to the "automatic pilot" mode in fifth (goodness I was amazing... lol...) I decided to switch schools. The standardized testing was just getting, well, annoying. My kids always did well, however, getting them there was taking more and more out of me and it wasnt fair to my family. I had the chance to work at a brand new school (I was at one of the oldest!) and teach Kindergarten, so I took it! (It didnt hurt that my principal, who is amazing... was retiring!) Well, on my website, that I am working on conveting totally over to K, yeah, after a year, has some resources that I used in 5th, as well as some K stuff. If you feel like visiting there! Mrs. Kitchin's Kindergarten is my site, and I figure Ill share 5th grade stuff here as well.

Have a super summer day!! Im off to buy bathing suits for me and my teenage step-daughters! ACK!

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